Is your team hiding security breaches?

Have you ever told your kids to “be honest”, and that the punishment will probably be less than if you lie?  I know I have.

Well, you should follow the same process in your business.  Promote a culture of honesty and accountability.

Online scams are very believable and it is so easy to get tricked by one, especially if you are busy and have a lot of tasks on your plate.

Encourage your team to come to you right away if they think they may have clicked something that they shouldn’t have.  Speed and transparency are key critical to preventing or limiting the damage that may be on its way.

The more you stress that honesty is the best policy, the better off you will be and the more comfortable you and your team will become in the event of a careless mistake.  You may go as far as to reward this behavior.

If you would like to learn more about getting training around cybersecurity and what to do in the case of a breach, click on the “Start Now” button in the upper right corner of the page.

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